Last week IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException showed up during login process of one of our application, which uses spring security authentication approach(discussed earlier in this blog posting) . The error is result of more than one sAMAccountName returned by active directory. This is possible because of the same sAMAccountName present in different domain.

For example hsimpson is unique sAMAccountName under domain SALES , sAMAccountName by hsimpson can also be under different domain called IT. In this case, when one of these hsimpson login , “yoink” the IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException shows up.

Easy solution to this problem is, make the user login with domainName\sAMAccountName (example SALES\hsimpson or IT\hsimpson).

In order to make the above mentioned work, i have to write a custom LdapAuthenticationProvider class , thanks to this post.

The modifications i did from this post are ,

Step 1. I removed the <property name=”principalPrefix” value=”SALES" /> from applicationContext-security.xml. Since i want both hsimpson from SALES and IT able to login. If i had the above it defaults to domain “SALES” and no need of adding SALES\ while logging in. Step 2. Since my use case allows both hsimpson from SALES and IT able to login as SALES\hsimpson or IT\hsimpson, i had to tweak the LdapAuthenticatorImpl class using string tokenizer as shown below

public class LdapAuthenticatorImpl implements LdapAuthenticator {
private DefaultSpringSecurityContextSource contextFactory;
private String principalPrefix = "";
public DirContextOperations authenticate(Authentication authentication) {
// Grab the username and password out of the authentication object.
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(authentication.getName(),"\\");
	principalPrefix = st.nextToken();
String principal = authentication.getName();
String password = "";
if (authentication.getCredentials() != null) {
	password = authentication.getCredentials().toString();
// If we have a valid username and password, try to authenticate.
if (!("".equals(principal.trim())) && !("".equals(password.trim()))) {
InitialLdapContext ldapContext = (InitialLdapContext) contextFactory.getReadWriteContext(principal, password);
// We need to pass the context back out, so that the auth provider can add it to the
// Authentication object.
DirContextOperations authAdapter = new DirContextAdapter();
authAdapter.addAttributeValue("ldapContext", ldapContext);return authAdapter;
} else {
throw new BadCredentialsException("Blank username and/or password!");

Sample custom login page

<%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<form action="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/customloginAD/j_spring_security_check" method="post">
    <table width="400px" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" style="padding:1em; background-color:#EEEEEE; border:silver;border-width:.2em; border-style:solid;">
            <td colspan="2" align="center"><b>Please Login To The System</b></td>
            <td align="right">UserID:</td>
                <input type="text" name="j_username" size="15" />
            <td align="right">Password:</td>
                <input type="password" name="j_password" size="15" />
            <td colspan="2">
                    <input type="submit" value="Login">

maven project source code can be downloaded here

In my next post i will explain about single-sign-on using JOSSO with LDAP