Example usage of selectManyCheckBoxIn this example i want to create selectManyCheckbox in order to assign a user with multiple roles. The example code is as follows

<h:selectManyCheckbox id="groups" value="#{userAccount.userRoles}" layout="pageDirection"><s:selectItems value="#{rolesListing.roles}" var="role" label="#{role.roleName}"/><s:convertEntity/></h:selectManyCheckbox>

In the above example “userAccount.userRoles” is the form value (users associated roles) and the rolesListing.roles is bunch of roleids and rolename from entity named SiteRole.The helper class RolesListing is as follows

public class RolesListing {
@In(create=true)  EntityManager entityManager;
@Outprivate List<siterole> roles;
public List<siterole> getRoles(){
	roles=  entityManager.createNamedQuery("SiteRole.findRoles").getResultList();
	return roles;
public void setRoles(List<siterole> roles){
	this.roles = roles;

Important things to make sure, this seam tag work are

a) Make sure the #{userAccount.userRoles} and #{rolesListing.roles} are of same type for example i made both of them as List. If they are different type, you will encounter “Conversion Error setting value”.

b) Make sure the tag is applied at the right location as shown in the example.

c) In my next post i will explain the @ManyToMany relationship between userAccount entity and Roles entity using a USER_ROLE join table.