1. Installed mysql and created DB.

  2. For the mysql to work with jboss , downloaded the Connector/J from mysql website and copied the file mysql-connector-java-3.0.15-ga-bin.jar to the lib folder under server default.

3.Jboss server will bitch about the no class def found error java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/aspectj/lang/Signature , to solve this add the aspectrt.jar which is availale in the connector/J download.

4.Now we have to create datasource for mysql , copy the sample mysql-ds.xml from examples and change it as follows


5.Change the blog-ds.xml under jboss-seam/examples/blog/resource as follows


6.Add the jndi name of datasource to the persistence.xml under jboss-seam/examples/blog/resources/META- INF folderjava:/MySqlDS

7.Run ant deploy under jboss-seam/examples/blog/